Panel of experts founds German Institute for Applied Crime Analysis - DIAKA for a society free of human trafficking and related sexualised violence.
The founders of the institute DIAKA: Inge Bell (München), Helmut Sporer (Augsburg), Prof. Ursula Männle (München), Marietta Hageney (Aalen), Sandra Norak, Cathrin Schauer-Kelpin (Plauen), Stefan Baumgarth (München) and Manfred Paulus (Ulm).
Thousands of girls and women are currently fleeing Ukraine to find protection, safety and peace in Germany. But they come to a country that has gained a bad reputation internationally as the "brothel of Europe" and a "paradise for human traffickers" - and they are at immediate risk of being forced into prostitution here by pimps and human traffickers.
What some media, aid organisations, police and politicians are only now alarming, experts have been denouncing for many years: An unrealistic and failed prostitution policy. It favours and promotes a largely criminal prostitution milieu in which hundreds of thousands of girls and young women are trapped in prostitution and exploited.
For this reason, experts of many years' standing from different areas of society have now founded the "German Institute for Applied Crime Analysis" (DIAKA) in Munich. The aim of the institute's work is to provide consulting, training and public relations for a society free of human trafficking and related sexualised violence.
"What is called and treated as prostitution in Germany is to a large extent a business field of organised crime. And our politics and our society must finally recognise that!" - says Manfred Paulus, former chief detective and founding member.
Among the founders of the institute are experts from politics, criminal police and jurisprudence, aid and human rights organisations, victims' associations, business and the media - among others Professor Ursula Männle, Inge Bell, Marietta Hageney, Sandra Norak, Cathrin Schauer-Kelpin, Stefan Baumgarth, Manfred Paulus, Helmut Sporer.
"We can't just continue to watch young women being destroyed in prostitution in the middle of a constitutional state like Germany." So says Cathrin Schauer-Kelpin, a social work expert and human rights activist of many years' standing.
Counselling centre director Marietta Hageney also knows: "There is a lack of specialised information and education here. Myths and false or manipulated information about the actual conditions in the violent system of prostitution are circulating."
The "German Institute for Applied Crime Analysis" supports politics, society and the media. So that they can classify and evaluate the actual circumstances - and thus develop sustainable decisions in the field of prostitution.
For example, on 12 May 2022, two experts who belong to DIAKA will take part as experts in a hearing of the Bavarian Parliament on the "Situation of Prostitution in Bavaria" - the two chairpersons of the Institute: human rights activist Inge Bell and retired senior criminal counselor Helmut Sporer.

Elected to the Board of the German Institute for Applied Crime Analysis were:
- Inge Bell (1. Chairperson)
- Helmut Sporer (2. Chairperson)
For further information, enquiries and interviews, the experts of the "German Institute for Applied Crime Analysis" DIAKA are at your disposal.
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